When is food a drink? A blog from Goodfellows

The Staff Canteen

Editor 4th November 2014

This is the latest in a series of blogs from Goodfellows, this time looking into cocktails and mixology.

Can you ever believe there was a time when a restaurant just had a barman, not a Mixologist? It seems almost inconceivable now that cocktails were ever reduced to a limited list of old fashioned favourites from a bygone age. 

Now cocktails & Mixology can be as key to the social currency of a restaurant as the food. The art and science of Mixology is complex, creative and continually evolving. Like gastronomy, it is utilising new modern techniques involving the use of aromas, gases and smoke as well as exploring the discovery of new flavour combinations. There is an ever-closer coming-together of gastronomy and Mixology to a point where the lines are becoming blurred. When is drink a food and when is food a drink?? 

We are now more than familiar with Hot Dogs rubbing shoulders with Champagne & Cocktails; and that’s great but how far can this go and can Mixology evolve its art of presentation, the way gastronomy has? 

When you consider that some of these liquid creations cost as much as a starter , or in some cases a main course in a restaurant, is it acceptable to just serve it in a glass? Surely not. That’s why we are creating our own presentation plates for Mixologists and Bars. Like chefs, Mixologists create according to their own style and their environment; and so we create for them according to their style.

Here’s one we poured earlier!!