What is to blame for the Chef Shortage? Your answers!

The Staff Canteen

Editor 19th January 2016

At the minute, the chef shortage seems to be the issue on everyone's minds within the industry. Over the last couple of weeks, we have been asking for your opinions to see what you think is to blame for the chef shortage. Here, we have compiled a list of the top comments! Do you agree with what is being said?  

Tyrone Tutt - Is this a real question?

Mike Leitmeyer - Food. Network. The industry is being infiltrated by a bunch of whiny, self entitled little bitches that think they should make as much as Emeril and that their lives will be like Anthony Bourdain, with no real world experience and an Associates degree. Real Chefs are not willing to deal with these children.

Ehrlich Steve - Don't know about the rest of you, but I started in 1984 as a dishwasher. Moved my way up to cook sous chef, Chef de Cuisine, executive chef… now I run my own kitchen love it!

Terry Henderson - As I have said in posts before, money certainly is a factor, lack of respect, unsociable hours, crap accommodations, no motivation for young people to come into this industry, no real world experience for young apprentices who come out of college expecting to step into a head chef position at 30k, and oh did I mention poor salary!!!

>>> So what is to blame for the apparent chef shortage?

Jonathan Turney - Culinary school and student loans. I have over 100k in loans and don't make enough to support myself let alone a family while making horrible wages and poor hours. How am I supposed to raise my daughter while working until 12 or later?

Pip Bob Creepants - Unappreciated, over worked, under staffed and under paid.

Robert Miller - Every kid that comes out of culinary school thinks they know everything 'till they step into a real kitchen. Then they are like 'is this really what i want to do?' It isn't about being the rock star, it is about commitment to the trade.

Chris Black - In the twenty five years I have been a chef I have worked 100+ hours a week, I have worked in full time and agency, and now I work as a casual. The chef shortage is due not only to the hours, the tv hype or the wages, the fact that the college's put kids through to meet targets or any number of reasons. It is a culmination of all these things! Yes, the wages are crap the hours are long but get over it. If you don't want to be a chef go and do something else, cos it isn’t going to change any time soon. Treat the guys you have now with respect and kindness because we are the ones keeping it going.

Timothy Hanley - We have chefs galore, but there aren't any cooks!

Scott Jones - Many I train as a commis, or fresh out of culinary school, can't handle the pressure of the kitchen. Everyone wants to leave at the precise end of service and never put in the extra time and or effort to ratchet a kitchen up to the next level. Too many cooking shows would be the source of this delusional reality many green chefs live in..my opinion at least.

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