Flying Fish Market Report from Day Boat Specialists 22 Jun 2012

The Staff Canteen

Editor 22nd June 2012

Flying Fish Seafoods is proud to supply high quality fish to distinctive restaurants and hotels throughout the South and West of England.

Our pledge is simple. We source the finest and freshest fish directly from Cornwall’s best fishermen and deliver it straight to your door.

Whole plaice

The humble plaice has long been popular in the UK, although it is largely overlooked in higher-end gastronomy and very rarely features on the menus of top restaurants. This is perhaps due to its historical associations as a food for the poor, or because of the connotations of bland deep-fried breaded plaice served in lazy pubs and motorway service stations across the country. Plaice is a superb fish possessing a fine, moist texture and subtle but distinctive flavour. Given the right treatment it makes a simple, healthy, inexpensive and absolutely delicious lunch or supper. Plaice is available throughout the year although the quality varies. From summer through to mid-winter (outside the spawning season) it is generally fleshier and tastier. Their maximum recorded length is 100 cm (39.4 inches), and maximum reported age 50 years. Plaice can grow up to around the 7kg mark!!


For several years during the 1990”s and 2000”s the north sea population of plaice was deemed to have been below a safe limit , however the tides have turned in the last few years and stocks of adult plaice is now at its highest !

Buying of plaice:

As like most other fish the eyes should be bulging and bright also the body stiff and a sea smell should be smelt

How to cook plaice:

Plaice cooks very quickly - fillets should only need a total cooking time of 4-5 minutes, whether grilled, fried or poached.  

Missed the previous Flying Fish Report? read it here.