Adam Smith wins Bocuse D'Or at Hotelympia

The Staff Canteen

Editor 30th April 2014

By James Euinton


Adam Smith of The Devonshire Arms triumphed in the Bocuse D’Or competition at Hotleympia Monday night after wowing star judges Nick Vadis, Josh William, Simon Hulstone and Andreas Antona. Adam now has the chance to compete alongside top chef Adam Bennett in the Bocuse d'Or world final in 2015.

After the event he said “I was thrilled to be announced as the winner at the Bocuse d’Or selection event, it was a tough afternoon with very strong competition from the other contestants. I believe that having taken part as a commis on two separate occasions with both Simon Hulstone and Andre Garrett respectfully, I  already had an idea of the style, standards, expectations and commitment of taking part, which I think is what helped me with the final  result.”

Adam’s dish was a garnish composed of black leg chicken with Alsace bacon and foie gras, truffled egg, cabbage puree and new season pea mousse, Langoustine and celeriac, a leek and cauliflower stack, golden beetroot with wild garlic. The most visually striking of which being the beautifully decorated truffled egg, covered in large spots, which looked to be made with mechanical precision.

Adam is no stranger to previous competitive success, having previously been announced as young chef of the year in 2012, he was also one of only two British chefs to receive a gold medal in the World Skills competition in the same year.

Steve Love of Love’s restaurant came a close second, with his dish of chicken and pigeon ballotine with a tomato fondue, aromatic piccolo, slow cooked potatoes, Shropshire chicken winglet, mushroom mousse puree, soil, onion, charred sweetcorn, espuma, white pudding and braised Shropshire chicken thigh.

Raj Holuss of The Ritz was awarded third place, and opted for a chicken ballotine stuffed with prawns and vegetables with champignons and a dome of spring veg.

Last but not least was Armand Sablan of Ten Resturant at the Café Royal, whose creative dish included an interesting take on Bocuse cuisine with a carrot Battenburg. Adam’s dish also included a truffle and purple potato garnish along with asparagus egg.

Each of the four chefs performed exceptionally well under the high pressure. Under the watchful gaze of the audience at the London Excel they had only an hour and a half to cook from scratch a garnish for a chicken ballotine.

The mirrors installed on the top of their booths gave a clear view into the chef’s sections, allowing spectators to have a full view and giving a rare insight into how some of the world’s best food is prepared and cooked.

Judge John Williams said, “The standard today was excellent and congratulations to everyone who took part. We had some incredible talent competing today and our task of selecting the winner was not easy. So much can happen between now and 2017 which is why we’ve decided to take two chefs on the journey. We are very excited about the UK’s prospects with both Adam and Steve on board.”