Chef Dan Doherty returns to London with a new restaurant a year after sexual harassment allegations

The Staff Canteen

Editor 10th January 2020

Chef Dan Doherty is planning a return to London a year after sexual harassment allegations were made against him.

At the end of January 2019, the chef resigned from The Royal Oak when an external investigation into the claims was surfaced by a Sunday Times report..   

Eater discovered that the chef is planning a restaurant in Deptford named after his daughter, Tila, when he posted a story on his Instagram page alluding to the venue. 

The chef was first banned from his Marylebone gastropub,The Royal Oak, for a month in November 2018 while an investigation took place. 

An external inquiry by Yorkshire firm HR180 then revealed that the chef was banned from his Marylebone gastropub, The Royal Oak, while the investigation took place to ascertain whether he had propositioned female staff, fostered a culture of harassment, and caused at least four staff members to resign from the restaurant.

The chef returned for a short period after the investigation, but finally decided to resign. The claims prompted a wave of outrage demanding that he apologise to the women involved in the allegations.

We reached out to the chef for comment and will update this story as more information emerges.