Ruth Hinks talks about upcoming masterclass

The Staff Canteen

Editor 27th May 2014

We caught up with Ruth Hinks ahead of her live chocolate masterclass on the 9th June to find out what she has in store for the event.

Have you ever done anything like this before, are you looking forward to it?

No, never done anything like this before. I haven't thought about it too much but I know what i'm going to be doing so it should be good.

In terms of the dishes you're creating, any reason you chose those in particular?

I really like them, I always like to do stuff that I like and also something that I can share; so to create one recipe that you can use in a number of different ways. You're always short of time in the kitchen so anything that you can do to save time and to make your workload a bit lighter is good.

Are you nervous at all about the live Q&A as you said you've never done anything like this before?

I try to put things at the back of my head and until it happens. But I will try and make sure I answer the questions correctly and give the audience anything that they want to know.

Any competitions coming up?

No, my husband will kill me. I've got two young children and need some time out so have nothing planned at all. I would like a holiday!

We've had a great response so far with lots of interest in the event.

I've got a masterclass today and they all said that they've registered. I know Masterchef UK retweeted the event so it should be great event.


If you would like to see Ruth in action then there's still time to register for the masterclass just click here  to sign up.

Here are those all-important details:

When: 3pm on the 9th June

Where: shown live on both The Staff Canteen website and also our Facebook page.

Who: Ruth Hinks in partnership with Callebaut.