The Staff Canteen to launch a brand new website for 2014

The Staff Canteen

Editor 2nd December 2013

The Staff Canteen is delighted to announce the launch of a brand new platform for 2014.

It will still be packed with all the great features you've come to expect from the UK's leading networking chef website, such as recipes from members and Europe's greatest chefs, plus video and much much more.

The site will put members’ networking and social media at the heart everything done across the site. A central navigation and communication wall will be the hub of the site and members’ profile activity, making navigation and the discovery of content, features and other members much quicker and easier.

The new site, built on Ruby on Rails, a platform that boasts names such as Groupon and Twitter, was chosen for its modular approach and build flexibility that will allow further development to take place much quicker than in the past.

The Staff Canteen managing director Mark Morris said: "this is a really exciting time, and whilst the development process had thrown up a number of challenges we are delighted with the results which reflects in both design and build other major platforms ensuring that those that use The Staff Canteen will find the user experience similar to other products in the market. This shows our commitment to move forward and it takes our site development investment to over 150k to date and it doesn't stop there.”

Going forward The Staff Canteen has now developed a 60-hour per month development contract with Ethos the Cardiff based developers to ensure that we continually develop and improve the user experience of the site, on an ongoing basis.

The new site is due for launch early in January 2014 watch this space for more news and information on other exciting developments planned for 2014.