The York Chef

The Staff Canteen

Editor 15th April 2011

Alex Bond is an up and coming chef from York who cooks with his heart on his sleeve and soul in his food; his intense, stark flavours highlight the best that local produce has to offer. In fact, Alex has such strong ties to his native county and it's food that when he leaves "Restaurant Sat Bains" in August, after three great years, he will be returning home to York to setup his very own. Watch this space for the City's first Michelin Star.

There are a number of options open to Alex now that he has trained for eleven years but a friend suggested that he could try and reach out to potential investors via the internet and "The York Chef" was born. It's a simple website; a short profile about Alex and his aims, a little bit about the project and a sample menu or two at the moment but new content is added every Sunday evening.

The really unique aspect of "The York Chef" is the Proposal itself in which he offers anyone the chance to own a stake in his restaurant, anybody who has ever dreamed of running a place but has never gotten around to it, or is a passionate foodie who would love to back one of the rising stars of the UK culinary scene, anybody. If you have a few thousand pounds you can have a small stake in what promises to be an amazing project. Pretty neat huh?

The basic idea draws from those behind a technology start-up or some of the group-funding site such as "Kickstarter"; Alex is the highly talented visionary in need of the funds to make his dreams a reality. He is even honest about the fact that investors won't be expected to become millionaires but should expect more modest returns. The hook is that each investor will be able to take part in truly unique experiences and opportunities that only a chef and true insider can deliver.

Instead of sitting around boring people with his "dream" he has decided to see if he can make it a reality.

Head over t his website  and take a look around; let him know what you think as he would love to hear any feedback or queries. Alex is on Twitter  and on email :