What are the new restrictions in Scotland and how do they affect the hospitality industry?

Tanwen Dawn-Hiscox

Deputy Editor 6th October 2020

first minister of scotland nicola sturgeon has set out new measures to curb the spread of the coronavirus. 

In her address on BBC One Scotland, she explained that while all decisions were a case of balancing the risk of loss of life with the indirect effects on lives and livelihoods, the urgency of the current situation - namely in the spread of infection to an older demographic than was the case a month ago - calls for stricter restrictions. 

"It is by taking tough and necessary action now that we hope to avoid tougher action later," she said. 

Stressing the importance of the impact on hospitality businesses, she added: "If this was a purely one-dimensional decision, it is very likely that we would go further."

"We have a duty to reduce all the harms caused by the restrictions as well as the virus." 

New measures will include: 

Given the heavy impact this will have, support measures provided by the Scottish government will include: 

Regulations to extend the mandatory use of facemasks in indoor settings, strengthening compliance with a focus on areas where compliance is low, measures in retail locations including one-way systems in supermarkets, and further efforts to improve the testing system. 

The new measures are an extension to existing regulations in Scotland, which include:

In a final message of reassurance, she said:

"Sticking to this isn't easy and after seven months it is harder than it has ever been but it is essential. it is the best way to look out for each other and now more than ever we all need that spirit and solidarity that has served us so well." 

"Hard though it is to believe it right now, all the hard sacrifices we are making will hasten the brighter days that lie ahead. The pandemic will pass, so let's do everything we can to help each other through it."