Smoked Gilardeau Oyster "black & white“ recipe with squid, horsereadish, kaffirlime by Rolf Fliegauf

Rolf Fliegauf

Rolf Fliegauf

11th June 2018
Rolf Fliegauf

Smoked Gilardeau Oyster "black & white“ recipe with squid, horsereadish, kaffirlime by Rolf Fliegauf

Smoked Gilardeau Oyster "black & white“ recipe with squid, horsereadish, kaffirlime by Rolf Fliegauf.


  • 1. smoked Gillardeau Oyster
  • 2. squid salade
  • 3. Inkcracker
  • 4. frozen pearls with ink and kaffirlimes
  • 5. horseradish mousse
  • 6. frozen horseradish pearls
  • 7. horseradish vinaigrette
  • 8. kaffirlime-inkoil
  • 9. fresh kaffirlime cest
  • 1.smoked Gillardeau Oyster
  • ingredients:
  • - 4 gillardeau oysters nr.2
  • - smoking wood
  • 2. squidsalade
  • ingredients:
  • - 1 fresh squid
  • - kaffirlime vinaigrette
  • - salt
  • 3. inkcracker
  • ingredients:
  • - 50ml sunflower seed oil
  • - 70ml water
  • - 5g squid ink
  • - 10g flour
  • 4. frozen pearls of ink and kaffirlimes
  • Zutaten:
  • - 100g sour cream
  • - 1 sheet of gelatine
  • - 40g buttermilk
  • - 5g ink
  • - 8g fresh lime juice
  • - cest of 2 fresh kaffir limes
  • - dash of salt
  • 5. horseradish mousse
  • ingredients:
  • - 50g cream
  • - 130g horseradish stock (recipe down below)
  • - 0,75g Agar
  • - 1g Iota
  • - 20g sour cream
  • - 1 sheet of gelatine
  • - a dash of salt
  • - 1/2 lime
  • - little bit fresh horseradish juice
  • 6. frozen horseradish pearls
  • ingredients:
  • - 75g sour cream
  • - 1 sheet of gelatine
  • - 65g horseradish stock (recipe down below)
  • - salt
  • - cest and juice of 1 kaffir limes
  • - fresh horseradish juice
  • 7. horseradishvinaigrette
  • Zutaten:
  • - 350ml horseradish stock (recipe down below)
  • - 150ml Champagne vinegar
  • - 100ml sunflower seed oil
  • - 50g sour cream
  • - 50g horseradish (from the glas)
  • - 25g fresh horseradish juice
  • - juice and cest of 2 lemons
  • - salt
  • - xantan
  • 8. kaffirlime-inkoil
  • ingredients:
  • - 100ml sunflowerseedoil
  • - 5g cest of fresh kaffirlimes
  • - 10g squid ink
  • horseradish stock
  • ingredients:
  • - 5 shallots
  • - 1 Granny Smith
  • - ½ fennel
  • - ½ celery
  • - 300g champignons
  • - 200ml white wine
  • - 100ml Noilly Prat
  • - 3l chicken stock
  • - 300g horseradish (glas)
  • - 2 bay leaf
  • - 1 branch thyme
  • - 1 branch parsley


open the oysters, clean and wash them in the own juice, strain it and heat the juice up to 60 degrees. put the oystern into the juice and poach it for about 3-4 minutes. take it out, clean it again and smoke it with the smoking pipe.
clean the squid and cut it in rectangle pieces of 10x4cm. put 4 pieces on top and freeze it. slice the frozen squid on a slicer very thin and cook it for 5 seconds in salted water, take out and marinate the „noodles“ with kaffirlimevinaigrette.
put all the ingredients together and blend it with the bamix. Leave it for about 10 minutes outside and strain it. Heat up a teflon pan till middle heat, add oil in it and put 5 spoons of the inkmix into the pan. let it fry till you get a crispy cracker.
put gelatine into cold water and let it soak. heat up lime juice and ink, add the soaked gelatine and melt it. add all the other ingredients and leave it for 10 minutes. strain it and put it in a plastic bottle and drop it into liquid nitrogin.
Put horseradish stock, cream, agar and iota in a pan and cook it for 30 seconds, add sour cream and lemon juice and cest, add salt and fresh horseradish juice till taste and heat up again. strain it and put into silicon molde and freeze it. defrost before serving
put gelatine into cold water and let it soak. heat up horseradish stock, add the soaked gelatine and melt it. add all the other ingredients and leave it for 10 minutes. strain it and put it in a plastic bottle and drop it into liquid nitrogin.
reduce the champagne vinegar to 50ml, add all the other ingredients eccept the oil and put a little bit of Xantan to thick it. Use a bamix and blend the oil into, put salt till taste, leave for 15 minutes and strain it.
Put all the ingredients into a vacuum bag, seal it and put into waterbath on 80 degrees for 2 hours. Put it in the fridge overnight and after strain it.
cut the apple and all the vegetables in small pieces, put it in a pan with butter and saute without colour. add the alcohol and cook it till its totally reduced, add the chicken stock and reduce till half. Put all the other ingredients, leave on very slow heat for 15 minutes and strain it.

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