Pickled Cucumber and Salmon Roulade with Black garlic and Granny Smith apple.

Christos Siomadis

Christos Siomadis

28th July 2018
Christos Siomadis

Pickled Cucumber and Salmon Roulade with Black garlic and Granny Smith apple.

Pickled Cucucmber and Salmon tartare roulade, black garlic, avocado, compressed apple and coriander oil.


  • For the avocado puree
  • 600 gr. avocados (about 4)
  • 1 lime (only the juice)
  • 1.5 gr ascorbic acid
  • 6 gr. salt
  • 20 ml olive oil
  • For the Salmon tartare
  • 120 gr. of fresh salmon (skinless, pin-boned and diced)
  • 1 t. spoon extra virgin olive oil
  • 5 drops of sesame oil
  • 1 tb. spoon spring onion finely chopped
  • 1 t.sp of chives finely chopped
  • 1 t. sp of coriander finely chopped
  • 1 t.sp of soy sauce
  • ½ t. spoon of chilly finely chopped
  • ½ t. sp of grape must
  • 1 lime (zest and juice)
  • 1 tb. spoon Granny Smith apple brunoise
  • Salt and pepper
  • For the pickled cucumber ribbons
  • 100gr Chardonnay vinegar
  • 100gr caster sugar
  • 100gr water
  • 1 t.sp fennel seeds
  • 1 cucumber
  • For the black garlic puree
  • 1 head of black garlic
  • 1 t. sp of squid ink
  • ½ t.sp of soy sauce
  • few drops of lime juice
  • For the compressed apple discs
  • 1 Granny Smith apple
  • 10 ml lime juice
  • 10 ml water
  • 10 gr. of caster sugar
  • For the coriander oil
  • 150gr. fresh coriander leaves
  • 50 gr. baby spinach leaves
  • 150 ml of vegetable oil
  • 150 ml of olive oil
  • To finish the plate
  • micro herbs
  • edible flowers
  • Equipment you need
  • Blender
  • Fine sieve
  • Vacuum sealer
  • Sous vide bags
  • Cheese cloth
  • Microplane zester


For the avocado puree
Slice the avocado in half lengthwise. Remove the pit and using a spoon, scoop out the flesh. Place the avocado flesh in the blender and mix on low speed until the mixture is started to be pulped. Then add all the rest ingredients and curry on blending on high speed until it gets nice and smooth texture. Pass the purée through a fine sieve and then transfer it to a piping bag.
For the Salmon tartare
Put the diced salmon in a mixing ball, add the olive oil and gently mix to coat the salmon with the oil. Then combine all the rest ingredients and season with salt and pepper to taste.
For the pickled cucumber ribbons
We start first the process making the pickling liquor. Put all the ingredients, vinegar, sugar, water and fennel seeds in a sauce pan and bring the mixture up to a boil. Simmer for 10 minutes and then leave it on the side and let it cool down completely. Pass the mixture through a fine sieve discarding the fennel seeds and chill it in the refrigerator.
Using a peeler, thinly slice the cucumber lengthwise creating the cucumber ribbons. Trim the side of each ribbon and cut them in half, using a sharp knife. The length of each ribbon should me 13-15 cm. Place the ribbons nicely in a sous vide bag, add 2 tb. spoons from the chilled pickling liquor and vacuum-seal. Leave the ribbons inside the sous vide bag at least 10 minutes.
Remove the ribbons from the bag and place them on a J cloth to remove the excess liquid. On a piece of parchment paper put 6-8 (depending on the size), of the cucumber ribbons, one next to the other. When you are ready to serve your dish, add the salmon tartar mix, making sure that you have removed any excess liquid and roll it like a cigar. Make sure that the ends of the roulade are clean and even. Brush the roulade with extra virgin olive oil and season with fleur de sel.
For the black garlic puree
Peel and slice the black garlic cloves. Put them in a small blender and add the rest ingredients. Blend the mixture on low speed until gets velvet and smooth texture. Pass the purée through a fine sieve and then transfer it into a squeeze bottle.
For the compressed apple discs
Put the lime juice, water and sugar in a mixing ball and whisk them making sure that the sugar is
dissolved. Using a sharp knife or a mandolin slice the apple into 2mm thickness and then using
a 1 cm diameter cutters, cut few discs. Place the discs in a small sous vide bag, adding the lime mixture and vacuum seal the bag in the highest pressure to make the compressed apple discs.
For the coriander oil
Bring a large pot of salted water to a boil. Place the coriander and spinach leaves into the boiling water for 15 seconds. Remove and put immediately into a bowl of iced water.
Drain the herbs, wrap in a clean J cloth and gently squeeze dry. Roughly chop and place in a blender with the oils and blend on high speed for 2 minutes.
Leave for several hours to drain naturally through dampened muslin cloth. Discard the puree and transfer the oil into a squeeze bottle covered with tin foil(to keep the nice green colour as much as possible) and put it in the refrigerator.

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