Good Food Guide 2020
Good Food Guide 2020
The Good Food Guide 2020 will announce its top restaurants for the UK - will Restaurant Nathan Outlaw still be number one?
What is the Good Food Guide?
Published over 65 years ago, The Good Food Guide still uses reader feedback and anonymous inspections to compile its reviews of the UK’s best eating spots. First published in hardback in 1951 the guide originally cost five shillings and listed ‘600 places throughout Britain where you can rely on a good meal at a reasonable price’ within its 224 pages. It was a Good Food Guide inspector who suggested that a café in an unexpected location was worth further investigation.
How does the Good Food Guide score restaurants?
They score restaurants between 1 and 10, but simply being awarded an entry is a significant achievement. More than 1,200 restaurants have been scored by The Good Food Guide, and the expert inspectors are equipped with extensive scoring guidelines to ensure that bench-marking around the UK is accurate.